Trade Union Regulations 2023/24 (Facility Time Publication Requirements)

Report on Facility Time for Queen Margaret University

Reporting Period 1st April 2023 – 31st March 2024


Table 1: Relevant Union Officials
Number of employees who were relevant union officials during the relevant period Full-time equivalent employee number
0 6.80


Table 2: % of time spent on facility time

Percentage of Time

Number of Employees

0% 0
1-50% 8
51-99% 0
100% 0

First Column


Provide the total cost of facility time


Provide the total pay bill


Provide the percentage of the total pay bill spent on facility time, calculated as: (total cost of facility time / total pay bill) * 100


Time spent on paid trade union activities as a percentage of total paid facility time hours calculated as:
(total hours spent on paid trade union activities by relevant union officials during the relevant period / total paid facility time hours) * 100
