Directors' Report

Section 172(1) Statement - Companies Act 2006

This statement sets out how the Directors of Queen Margaret University, Edinburgh, have applied and complied with Section 172(1) of the Companies Act 2006 in accordance with the Companies (Miscellaneous Reporting) Regulations 2018. The University Court, as Directors of the company limited by guarantee, must, as those of all UK companies, act in accordance with a set of general duties set out in section 172 of the Companies Act 2006 (the Act). The Board of Directors consider, both individually and together, that they have acted in the way, in good faith, that would be most likely to promote the success of the Company for the benefit of its members as a whole (having regard to the stakeholders and matters set out in s172(1)(a-f) of the Act) in the decisions taken during the year ended 31 July 2023.

The Board of Directors’ intention is to behave responsibly and ensure that the University business operates in a responsible manner with the aim of maintaining a reputation for high standards of business conduct and good governance. The Board is collectively responsible for the long-term success of the University and, as part of their induction programme, the Directors are briefed on their duties under the Act. Directors also have access to ongoing training and development to provide them with the relevant skills and knowledge to conduct their duties as Directors on the Board. Further information on the way in which the Directors fulfil their duties relating to good governance and decision making under the Act is set out in the Corporate Governance Statement later in this report.

Employee Involvement
The University recognises the benefits of keeping employees informed of its financial and academic performance. Information on matters of interest to employees is given through staff briefing sessions and through regular communication from the Principal.

Student Involvement
The University seeks to take account of the views of the student body. The Student President and Vice-President are full members of the University Court and the Senate, and there are two additional student members of Senate, making four in total, or 10% of the total membership. There is student representation on all other major committees of the University. Senior members of staff, including the Principal, engage with the Students’ Union from time to time to explain aspects of the University’s operations and plans and to answer questions from student representatives. The Deputy Principal, University Secretary and the SU Sabbatical Officers meet regularly as the Student Union Partnership Board to discuss issues of common concern and interest, and a Student Partnership Agreement has been put in place between the University and the Students’ Union. The University also provides an annual grant to the Students’ Union.

Directors’ and Officers’ Liability Insurance
During the year the University maintained a Directors’ and Officers’ liability insurance policy to provide cover against any civil liability attaching to Court members or Officers of the University in connection with their University activities.

Members’ Liability
The liability of each member of the University upon winding up of the Company is limited to 50p. Distributions to members are not permitted by the Articles of Association of the Company.

Employment of Disabled Persons
The University’s policy remains to afford equal opportunity to all, including disabled people whether registered or not, to apply for employment and, during employment, to receive the support and development they require to enable them to make a full contribution to the University.

Creditors’ Payment Policy
Unless special terms are agreed, it is the University’s policy to pay invoices 30 days from the date of the invoice (in accordance with the CBI prompt payment code). In agreements negotiated with suppliers, the University endeavours to include and abide by specific payment terms. At 31 July 2023, trade creditors represented 26 days relevant expenditure (2022: 38 days). Interest paid under the Late Payment of Commercial Debts (Interest) Act 1998 was £nil (2021/22: £nil).

Going Concern
The University’s activities, together with the factors likely to affect its future development, performance and position, are set out in the Strategic Report, which also includes information on cash flows and borrowing facilities, and the University Court’s assessment of going concern. Further information on the assessment of going concern is also set out in the section on accounting policies on page 30. Demand from students for the University’s courses remains strong. Consequently, the University Court believes that the University is well placed to manage its business risks successfully.


Membership of the University Court

Name Appointed/Retired Date Attendance RecordÌý Interested/Occupation

Pamela Woodburn (Chair)

Appointed 1 April 2021


Manager, Christian Aid

Professor John Harper (Vice-Chair)

Appointed 1 December 2020


Former Principal & Vice-Chancellor, Robert Gordon University

Elaine Acaster, OBE (Vice-Chair)

Appointed 28 June 2017

Retired 30 September 2022


Former Vice Principal, Royal Veterinary College, University of London

Jennifer Ansett

Appointed 22 June 2022

Retired 7 December 2022


Nominated Trade Union Member – Support Staff

Janet Archer

Appointed 1 October 2022


Chief Executive, Edinburgh Printmakers

Carolyn Bell

Appointed 1 October 2016

Retired 30 September 2022



Jay Brown

Appointed 10 June 2023


Student President - Academic Life

Professor Richard Butt

Appointed 1 September 2016


Deputy Principal, Ex Officio

Julie Churchill

Appointed 8 March 2021


Staff Member, Appointed by Senate

Karen Cullen

Appointed 1 June 2019


Elected Support Staff Member

Louise Ford

Appointed 10 June 2022


Student President – Student Activities

Dr Maria Giatsi-Clausen

Appointed 1 October 2019


Nominated Trade Union Member – Academic Staff

Sir Paul Grice

Appointed 1 October 2019


Principal & Vice-Chancellor, Ex Officio

Steven Hendry

Appointed 1 June 2021


Director, Capital Markets Team, CBRE

Dr Kavi Jagadamma

Appointed 1 December 2022


Elected Academic Staff Member

Dr Arturo Langa

Appointed 1 October 2019


Consultant Psychiatrist, NHS Lanarkshire

Francis Lennon, OBE

Appointed 1 October 2016

Retired 30 September 2022


Former Head Teacher

Ken McGarrity

Appointed 1 October 2016

Retired 30 September 2022


Former Finance Director, Nairn’s Oatcakes

James Miller

Appointed 1 February 2023


Chartered Accountant

Melanie Moreland

Appointed 1 January 2018


Senior Manager/Delivery Manager, Royal Bank of Scotland

Jacqueline Morrison

Appointed 1 February 2023


Director, Napkin Innovation

Aasiyah Patankar

Appointed 10 June 2021

Retired 9 June 2023


Student President – Academic Life

Robert Pattullo

Appointed 24 May 2018


Start-up Company Mentor, Former Vice-Chair Citizens’ Advice Edinburgh

Sarah Phillips

Appointed 28 June 2017

Retired 27 June 2023



Elizabeth Porter

Appointed 1 October 2019


Chartered Management Accountant

Dr Eurig Scandrett

Appointed 1 December 2016

Retired 30 November 2022


Elected Academic Staff Member

Dr Andrew Scott

Appointed 28 June 2017

Retired 27 June 2023


Director, Scottish Government

Garvin Sealy

Appointed 1 June 2021


Co-Director, Equali-Tree Community Interest Company

Carol Sinclair

Appointed 1 October 2022


Director, Sinclair Wilson, Arts & Business Consultancy

Guy Smith

Appointed 1 October 2022


Finance Director

Bill Stronach

Appointed 1 February 2023


Nominated Trade Union Member - Support Staff


Membership of University Court Committees during the year to 31 July 2023


Audit and Risk Committee

NameÌý Role Appointed/Retired Date Attendance record

Robert Pattullo


Retired 30 September 2022


Andrew Scott


Appointed 1 October 2022

Retired 27 June 2023


Guy Smith


Appointed 1 July 2023

Appointed 1 October 2022



Elaine Acaster

Ìý Retired 30 September 2022 1/1

Carolyn Bell

Ìý Retired 30 September 2022 0/1

James Miller

Ìý Appointed 1 July 2023 0/0

Elizabeth Porter

Ìý Demitted 31 December 2022 0/2

Carol Sinclair

Ìý Appointed 1 October 2022 2/3

Guy Smith

Ìý Appointed 1 October 2022 2/3


Finance & Estates Committee

Name Role Appointed/Retired Date Attendance

Ken McGarrity

Convener Retired 30 September 2022 1/1

Robert Pattullo

Convener Appointed 1 October 2022 5/5

Janet Archer

Ìý Appointed 1 October 2022 3/5

Professor Richard Butt

Ìý Ìý 6/6

Sir Paul Grice

Ìý Ìý 4/6

Professor John Harper




Steven Hendry




Dr Andrew Scott

Ìý Ìý 5/6


Nominations CommitteeÌý

Name Role Appointed/Retired Date Attendance Record
Pamela Woodburn Convener Ìý 3/3
Elaine Acaster Ìý Retired 30 September 2022 2/2

Karen Cullen

Ìý Ìý 2/3

Sir Paul Grice

Ìý Ìý 3/3

Aasiyah Patankar

Ìý Demitted 9 June 2023 3/3

Robert Pattullo

Ìý Ìý 3/3

Garvin Sealy

Ìý Appointed 1 October 2022 0/1


Senior Management Remuneration Committee

Name Role Appointed/Retired Date Attendance Record

Professor John Harper

Convener Ìý 3/3

Sarah Phillips

Ìý Retired 27 June 2023 2/2

Guy Smith

Ìý Ìý 2/2

Pamela Woodburn

Ìý Ìý 2/2


Disclosure of information to auditors

The members of the University Court who held office at the date of approval of these financial statements confirm that, so far as they are each aware, there is no relevant audit information of which the University’s auditors areÌýunaware. Each member of the University Court has taken all the steps that he/she ought reasonably to have taken as a Member of Court to make himself/herself aware of any relevant audit information and to establish that the University’s auditors are aware of that information.


On behalf of the University Court

Pamela Woodburn


13 December 2023