Name: Laura Bettison

Course: BSc Paramedic Science

Year of Study: Year 2

Hometown/Country: Edinburgh, Scotland

Sports/Societies: Running and Cycling Society

What has been the highlight of your time at QMU so far?

My academic highlight so far has been completing my first ambulance placement and feeling like everything is starting to click into place. We are faced with a lot of information, but overtime all the pieces start to come together and make sense. Socially, I have really enjoyed being part of the Paramedic Society which to date has included social events and CPD sessions. Being in a society has been a great way to meet peers from across the three years, strengthening the community feel that QMU offers.

What is one thing you wish you knew before coming to university at QMU?

My reflection comes with both an issue and a solution! I wish I had been a bit more mentally prepared for how busy first semester was going to be, but also wish I’d known how many avenues of help there are for if you start to feel overwhelmed at all. The Peer Assisted Learning Scheme – PALS – Is great to get advice from peers in the years above, and the Effective Learning Service team – ELS – are a fountain of knowledge when it comes to assignment support. Moreover, all the staff are incredibly helpful and approachable if you have any questions / need support at any time.

What is your favourite thing about being an ambassador for QMU?

My favourite thing about being an ambassador is being able to pay forward helping answer all the questions I had as a prospective student. No question is too big or too silly, and it can be guaranteed lots of people will be wondering the same things as you!

"I wish I’d known how many avenues of help there are for if you start to feel overwhelmed."
Laura Bettison