Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers
The sets out the expectations and responsibilities of researchers, their managers, employers and funders. By setting out clear expectations for researchers, research managers, research institutions, and funders of research, the Concordat aims to enhance the research workforce and thereby sustain research excellence in the UK, bringing benefits to the health, economy and wellbeing of our nation.
In October 2019, QMU was in the first cohort of 15 UK HEIs and was the first Scottish HEI to its commitment to the new 2019 Concordat for Researcher Development.
Our commitment to our institutional obligations as Concordat signatory are key to driving a positive and healthy research culture.
If you have any comments, suggestions or would like to become more involved in our work in supporting the career development of researchers, please contact Kim Stuart, Head of Research and Knowledge Exchange Development.
For further information on QMU’s commitment to researcher career development please see below.
Annual Compliance Statements and Action Plan
Heading | Download Link |
Concordat for Researcher Development Action Plan 2022-25 | |
Annual report on compliance to Court 2023 (approved by Senate on 13 December 2023. Approved by University Court on 21 February 2024). | |
Annual report 2024 | Annual report on researcher development concordat 2024 |
Concordat Annual Compliance pre 2022
Heading | Download Link |
Annual Report on Compliance to University Court | |
10 Year HR Excellence in Research Award |
3 Page Report on QMU Achievements and progress Against the 2018-20 Action Plan (2008 Concordat) Progress Against the Objectives of the 2018-20 Action Plan (2008 Concordat) New 2020-22 Concordat Action Plan (2019 Concordat) |
Previous HR Excellence in Research Award Documentation |
HR Excellence in Research Award 2016-2018 – 8 Year Review QMU Concordat to Support the Career Development of Researchers - Action Plan 2018-2020 2010 Concordat for Career Development of Research Action Plan (2010-2014) 2014 Achievements against Implementation Plan ( 2010-2014) 2024 Concordat for the Career Development of Research Action Plan (2014-2018) |
Other Resources |
Vitae - Realising the Potential of Researchers
QMU Institutional Membership of
Supported by Research Councils UK and the UK Funding Councils, Vitae is dedicated to realising the potential of researchers through transforming their professional and career development in local and global contexts. QMU is a member of Vitae, allowing QMU contract research staff access to a range of networks, resources and expertise for career development.
Equality and Diversity in Researcher Careers
QMU is committed to equality and diversity in researcher careers and is actively involved in a number of sector initiatives to promote and embed good practice in this area including the   Our Equality and Diversity Committee sets the strategic framework for equality in service provision and employment across the University.
RDF Planner
QMU has taken out an institutional subscription to the (RDF).
Researchers can use the RDF Planner for professional development, to identify strengths, action plan, review achievements and create a portfolio of evidence. Through the RDF Planner QMU can direct researchers to suitable courses and development opportunities linked to the RDF.
Scottish Crucible
QMU actively encourages its Contract Research Staff to participate in the , a prestigious professional and personal research leadership programme supported by SFC and NESTA.
QMU and the Beltane Public Engagement Network (Beltane)
Through its membership of ,which is a network for people interested in making academic research accessible to a wide variety of audiences, QMU supports contract researchers in maximizing the impact of their research.
Inspired by the proximity of Holyrood, the Beltane has a theme of enabling access to research relevant to public policy. With a Scottish Parliament which prides itself on accessibility, the QMU/Beltane partnership is well placed to support people when they engage with the research which affects devolved issues.
EURAXESS - Researchers in Motion
QMU is a partner in  which is a unique pan-European initiative providing access to a complete range of information and support services to researchers wishing to pursue their research careers in Europe or stay connected to it.  We are committed to promoting opportunities for researcher mobility.
Case Study
QMU secured two Leverhulme Trust Visiting Fellowships: Dr Tony Buhr, Department of Hearing and Speech Sciences, Vanderbilt University, USA was awarded the fellowship for research with the Clinical Audiology, Speech and Language (CASL) Research Centre;  and Dr Sarah Brouillette, Carleton University, Canada for research with Media and Film, Applied Communication and Culture.
Our local Euraxess Contact Point was able to provide practical support on day to day living in the UK from bank accounts to finding accommodation.