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Web address of organisations research integrity page (if applicable)HYPERLINK "/research-and-knowledge-exchange/strategy-and-culture/concordats-and-sector-good-practice/concordat-to-support-research-integrity/"Concordat to Support Research Integrity | Strategy and Policy | Queen Margaret University (qmu.ac.uk)1E. Named senior member of staff to oversee research integrityName: Kim Stuart, Director of Research and Knowledge Exchange, Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Unit (RKEDU)Email address: kstuart@qmu.ac.uk1F. Named member of staff who will act as a first point of contact for anyone wanting more information on matters of research integrityName: Sylwia Gorska, Research and KE Fellow, Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Unit (RKEDU)Email address: SGorska@qmu.c.ukSection 2: Promoting high standards of research integrity and positive research culture. Description of actions and activities undertaken 2A. Description of current systems and culture Please describe how the organisation maintains high standards of research integrity and promotes positive research culture. It should include information on the support provided to researchers to understand standards, values and behaviours, such as training, support and guidance for researchers at different career stages/ disciplines. Policies and systems QMU is committed to its obligations as a signatory to the Concordat to Support Research Integrity and to fully embedding its principles within our Research and Knowledge Exchange (KE) culture. We have published HYPERLINK "/research-and-knowledge-exchange/strategy-and-culture/concordats-and-sector-good-practice/concordat-to-support-research-integrity"a statement on Concordat for Research Integrity compliance which reiterates this commitment and provides additional guidance to staff and external collaborators. Our institutional HYPERLINK "/document-migration-august-2022/paul/qmu-rke/qmu-research-and-knowledge-exchange-ke-strategy-2022-2027/"Research and KE Strategy 2022-27 identifies culture as one of three strategic priority areas. QMU Strategic Research and KE Centres are key to implementing our Research and KE Strategy 2022-27 and act as drivers for integrity and excellence in Research and KE. They work at the intersection of conventional disciplinary groupings to create innovative approaches to contemporary societal challenges and public discourse and underpin our strategic commitment to an open, positive and healthy research and KE culture. They provide platform for implementing QMU commitments to Concordat to Support Research Integrity at a local level. In 2024, we undertook work on HYPERLINK "/research-and-knowledge-exchange/strategy-and-culture/concordats-and-sector-good-practice/safeguarding-and-research-and-innovation"QMU Safeguarding in Research and KE Guidance which was developed in collaboration with relevant colleagues across the University, under the leadership of our Research Culture Group (RCG). The Guidance was approved by University Senate and implemented as part of QMU ethics procedures. Also in 2024, we undertook a major review of HYPERLINK "/research-and-knowledge-exchange/qmu-research-ethics/"QMU Ethics Policy and Procedures, which incorporate research integrity updates into our institutional ethics guidance and procedures, including risk assessment, mitigation and management. In August 2024, we updated our Dignity in Work and Study Policy to foster an inclusive culture which is free from discrimination, harassment and bullying, to promote equality of opportunity for all, and to build an environment where rights and dignity of all staff and students are respected. Relevant training to enhance awareness of, and promote compliance with, this policy is scheduled in 2024-25. Culture, development and leadership To improve the promotion of high standards of research integrity and support our commitment to a positive and healthy research culture, in 2024-25 we are implementing a new Research Governance Steering Group, chaired by the Deputy Principal, to respond to new sector directives relating to research culture, ethics and governance. Working closely with QMU Research Strategy Committee (RSC), this new Research Governance Steering Group will oversee and monitor specific institutional commitments relating to: UK Concordats and National Statements. Research Governance. Trusted Research. Responsible Innovation. Research Misconduct. Safeguarding in Research and KE. Matters relating to Research Ethics out with the remit of current governance mechanisms or that require escalation/further review. NHS Research Ethics and Governance Frameworks. The Research Governance Steering Group will be responsible for ensuring that the governance and policy context for the undertaking of research and KE within the University is in line with sector requirements and best practice. The Group oversees implementation of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity and addresses issues of compliance and non-compliance. Following Vitae's Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey (CEDARS) 2023, our Research and Knowledge Exchange Development Unit (RKEDU) championed QMU's participation in the UK pilot Research Culture Landscape Survey 2024 to better understand the CEDARS aggregate results on research culture. Communications and engagement An externally facing HYPERLINK "/research-and-knowledge-exchange/strategy-and-culture/concordats-and-sector-good-practice/concordat-to-support-research-integrity"QMU Research Integrity webpage with links to our annual statements and contact details for the named person for receiving allegations of misconduct is available. Research Integrity continues to be central to our institutional annual Researcher Development Training Programme and induction. Additionally, we continue to disseminate, promote and champion research culture and integrity developments, initiatives and resources through relevant groups (e.g., RCG, Research Centre Directors meetings and networks, RSC, Universities Scotland, Scottish Universities Research Culture Good Practice Exchange, the new Scottish Trusted Research Practitioners Network) and platforms (e.g., QMU Research and KE Newsletter, QMU Staff Moderator, Research and KE @QMU Booklet, and Researchers Connections SharePoint). Development of an internal Research and KE SharePoint with enhanced features to increase visibility and accessibility of information, including range of resources and materials in relation to research culture and integrity, is ongoing and will be completed in 2024-25. We are committed to working with other institutions to share expertise, resources and best practice through forums including our renewed membership in The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO), participation in the Scottish Research Integrity Network (SRIN) and involvement with the new Scottish Funding Council (SFC) and Universities Scotland, Trusted Research and Secure Innovation Practitioner Network. RKEDU is working with the new UK Government Research Collaborations Team (RCAT) to provide expertise and support for the new UK Research and Innovation (UKRI) Trusted Research and Responsible Innovation (TR&I) work programme in response to the increasing need across the sector to: help manage and provide guidance and support in ensuring collaborative activities are done safely and securely, and minimise the risks associated with operating within a global research and innovation ecosystem while maximising the opportunities. We have welcomed the opportunity to work with the Universities Scotland REF 2029 Managers Group as part of the Joint UK Funding Bodies Consultation on People, Culture and Environment. We continue to support and build on the outcomes of the metrics/indicators proposed in the Harnessing the Metric Tide: indicators, infrastructures & priorities for UK responsible research assessment, to embed quantitative and qualitative indicators of research culture, engaging widely with our researchers, and informing our REF 2029 Strategy. In recognition of the variety of determinants of Research Culture and the reciprocal relationship between culture and behaviour, we continue to use the UK Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey (CEDARS) as a strategic tool and work with Vitae and the UK CEDARS Steering Group to champion its use at a UK and national level. In 2024, QMU participated in the national pilot Research Culture Landscape Survey. Conducting these surveys contributes to raising awareness of the Research Integrity Concordat at QMU. Both initiatives provide anonymous data about staff experiences of work environment and conditions, recognition and career development opportunities for research staff and research leaders, and perception of research culture and integrity within the institution. This data contributes towards development of our institutional research culture KPI and Framework, inclusive of both quantitative and qualitative indicators, to support the institutional strategic planning process as a robust measure of a healthy and positive research culture. We have been invited to co-facilitate 2024-25 Research Culture Connection Week in collaboration with Heriot-Watt University, University of Dundee and University of Strathclyde, aiming to co-develop and share sessions to enrich research culture and integrity practices across partner institutions. This links to wider activity to support place-based collaboration linked to innovationculture and the South East Scotland City and Region Deal. In the wider spirit of collegiality in our research cultures across Scottish HEIs, we particularly look forward to working with the new SFC funded Scottish Research Culture Collaborations Manager, hosted by the University of Aberdeen. Early sector engagement and positive collaboration discussion with Professor Ben Tatler, Dean of Research Culture, University of Aberdeen, has demonstrated the significant benefit of this new post to small HEIs with no dedicated Research Culture resource. Monitoring and reporting The QMU RSC, reporting to Senate, develops and oversees QMU Research and KE Strategy, with responsibility for ensuring compliance with sector concordats. The QMU RCG reports directly to the RSC, informs concordat-focused developments and leads on implementation of the relevant action plans. It works closely with QMU Strategic Research and KE Centres, which are the institutional drivers of research excellence and culture. The annual Research and KE Centre Review process governs the extent to which each Centre has achieved its aims and objectives and contributed towards the delivery of the University Research and KE Strategy and concordat commitments. QMU welcomes the opportunity to submit an annual Research Assurance and Accountability (RAA) return to the Scottish Funding Council (SRF), inclusive of reporting on activities dedicated to developing and supporting positive research environment and culture and ensuring compliance with the sectors Concordats, including the Concordat to Support Research Integrity. Similarly, we embrace the opportunity to engage in annual monitoring and reporting on delivery of the SFC KE and Innovation Fund (KEIF), as means to support our institutional KE governance and integrity. 2B. Changes and developments during the period under review Please provide an update on any changes made during the period, such as new initiatives, training, developments, also ongoing changes that are still underway. Drawing on Commitment 3 of the Concordat, please note any new or revised policies, practices and procedures to support researchers; training on research ethics and research integrity; training and mentoring opportunities to support the development of researchers skills throughout their careers.Policies, practices and procedures In 2024, the following policies, guidelines and procedures have been developed / updated and implemented: HYPERLINK "/research-and-knowledge-exchange/strategy-and-culture/concordats-and-sector-good-practice/safeguarding-and-research-and-innovation"QMU Safeguarding in Research and KE Guidance 2024. HYPERLINK "/research-and-knowledge-exchange/qmu-research-ethics"QMU Ethics Policy and Procedures 2024. Promoting Dignity in Work and Study Policy 2024. Research Integrity and Safeguarding training was delivered as part of our annual Researcher Development Training Programme in 2023-24 and will be available to all staff members in 2024-25. Safeguarding principles are incorporated into our refreshed Ethics Policy and Procedures, with relevant training scheduled for research staff, students and supervisors in 2024-25. Similarly, there are awareness raising sessions planned for session 2024-25 which aim to implement and embed a positive and healthy culture through Dignity in Work and Study Policy measures. These awareness raising sessions strive to promote equality and respect as well as prevent and address any instances of bullying, harassment and discrimination. In October 2024, the QMU School of Health Sciences launched the Public, Service User and Carer Involvement in Health Sciences Framework, which includes a range of diverse resources to promote meaningful and authentic service user and carer involvement within teaching, learning and assessment, and research. Work has been initiated on a new QMU Code of Practice in Research and KE and on Misconduct Procedures to complement existing policies and processes in supporting research integrity and sector best practice, including the UKRIO Code of Practice for Research: Promoting good practice and preventing misconduct. To this effect, a Working Group has been formed to consult on the initial drafts and to progress this work. Training on research ethics and research integrity The UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO) Code of Practice for Research and procedure for preventing misconduct have been included as part of our induction package for Contract Research Staff (CRS). All staff members involved in research at QMU were invited to participate in pilot UKRIO online Introduction to Research Integrity training, with 68 colleagues participating in 2023-24. Following completion of the pilot, from April 2025, we anticipate having ongoing access to this resource as part of our UKRIO membership. We plan to include it as part of our induction package for Contract Research Staff (CRS). As part of QMU annual Researcher Development Training Programme, in 2023-24 the following professional development opportunities were open to all research staff at QMU: NHS research ethics and governance. Research integrity and safeguarding. E-Research, open access and publishing. Introduction to narrative CVs. Generative AI and the Researcher: Strategies, Insights and Practical Uses. Intellectual Property (IP) at QMU. Training and mentoring opportunities to support the development of researchers skills throughout their careers In 2023-24, we delivered a Research and KE leadership programme dedicated to Early- and Mid-Career Researchers, as well as a new Research and KE Centre Female Leadership Programme to support newly appointed female research leads in developing their leadership skills. The University supports female colleagues on their leadership development journey through the Aurora Programme, led by AdvanceHE. This includes the opportunity to engage in peer mentorship with more experienced female leaders. In 2024, a QMU REF 2029 Associate Academic Lead - Women in Research Champion was appointed to support the institutions REF 2029 submission strategy and review in line with our commitment to progressing Equality, Diversity and Inclusion in Research Careers. This exciting career development opportunity was open to all women mid-career researchers. The role was recruited through an open and transparent process to allow all women mid-career researchers the chance to put themselves forward. The REF 2029 Associate Academic Lead - Women in Research Champion plays a key role in advocating for women researchers and promoting equality of opportunity in agreed aspects of our REF 2029 submission, enhancing our research and KE culture. Between February and July 2024, QMUs Research and KE Development Unit, in collaboration with our Strategic Research Centres, facilitated an interim internal mentoring scheme for research staff. In addition, we continue to promote participation in alternative mentorship schemes available through sector networks including the British Academy Early Career Researcher (ECR) Network (Scotland), Scottish KE & Innovation Mentoring (SKEIM), and the Cross-Institution Mentoring Scheme (CIMS). 2C. Reflections on progress and plans for future developments This should include a reflection on the previous years activity including a review of progress and impact of initiatives if known relating to activities referenced in the previous years statement. Note any issues that have hindered progress, e.g. resourcing or other issues.As a small institution with very limited central research and KE functions and no dedicated Research Governance Officer/Manager, responding to the very welcomed but high volume of new directives relating to Research Integrity has been challenging. Going forward, we will work to strengthen our research and KE culture through close collaboration with the newly appointed Scottish Research Cultures Collaboration Manager (SRCCM), hosted by the University of Aberdeen on behalf of the SFC and Scottish higher education sector. A new QMU ethics website has now been published to support the launch of new QMU Ethics support systems, policies and guidance. These set out the principles behind ethical review and the QMU regulatory framework under which research is undertaken. QMU Ethics Policy and procedures have been updated and launched, alongside our new ethics management information system, which is undergoing testing with identified PG programmes in semester one of 2024-25. We have also developed and launched QMU Safeguarding in Research and KE Guidance, which has been mapped within and is promoted as part of QMU ethics requirements. We continue to deliver a programme of NHS Research Ethics and Governance training in collaboration with NHS Lothian R&D Office. Support for NHS Ethics and Governance approval has been strengthened by the appointment of a School of Health Sciences Professorial Lead for Ethics. In 2024-25, we plan to enhance QMU training materials, resources and signposting for NHS Research Ethics and Governance via refreshed and updated QMU Intranet provision (RKEDU SharePoint). We have maximised alignment with our Research Excellence Framework (REF) 2029 strategy, specifically in relation to People, Culture and Environment and ongoing commitments to the Declaration on Research Assessment (DORA) and the Leiden Manifesto, recognising the need to improve the ways in which researchers and the outputs of scholarly research are evaluated. The outcomes of these commitments will be reflected in the publication of an updated 2024 Institutional Statement on the Responsible Use of Metrics in Research Assessment. We are currently preparing proposals to become a signatory to the Agreement on Reforming Research Assessment (CoARA), signalling internally and externally our willingness to continue to develop approaches for responsible research assessment to support excellent research with impact. The Agreements principles and associated commitments reflect our forward-looking approach to research metrics and assessment, aligning with our Research and KE Strategy 2022-27. QMU works closely with and is grateful for the ongoing support provided by the UK Research Integrity Office (UKRIO). We are pleased that we were able to re-establish our institutional membership in session 2023-24, allowing us access to most recent research integrity focused sector developments, advice and resources. In 2024-25, we will continue to engage with the UK Government Research Collaboration Advise Team (RCAT) and colleagues in the sector to ensure our due diligence and procedures are clear, comprehensive and accessible. We will extend our work on Trusted Research and Responsible Innovation to ensure researchers are guided and supported. We will promote new resources developed by The National Protective Security Authority (NPSA) and National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC) to raise awareness of risks in international academic collaborations and create opportunities for peer-learning in developing safe, secure and sustainable partnerships. We will continue to maximise opportunities for growth via collaborations through the Scottish Alliance for Food (SCAF) and QMUs new networks (Enhancing the Capacity of Scottish Modern Universities for International Research, the British Academy ECR-Network Scotland). We will expand our commitment to place-based research collaborations as a new anchor institution to the East Lothian Community Wealth Building Charter. We also look forward to partnership in 2024/25 with HWU, University of Strathclyde and the University of Dundee for a Research Culture Connection Week to enrich research culture and integrity practices across our institutions. Outstanding actions, as identified in the Concordat to Support Research Integrity Action Plan, prioritised for 2024-25 include: Mapping inclusion of Research Integrity and Research Misconduct across relevant policies/guidelines. Reviewing training required to support people in named person and other roles related to research misconduct, research integrity and research ethics panels. Review of reporting requirements to support ongoing monitoring of research integrity across QMU. Participation in the Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey 2024 (CEDARS) and 2024 Pilot Research Culture Landscape Survey (RCLS) QMU participates in CEDARS. This biennial national survey is intended to gather anonymous data about working conditions, career aspirations and career development opportunities for research staff and research leaders in Higher Education Institutions. CEDARS is based on a standard question set to allow for UK benchmarking with other institutions and longitudinal comparison. We are using CEDARS to undertake detailed and robust analysis of QMU research staff views and experiences of research integrity and to benchmark against national UK aggregate data. Key data from CEDARS 2023 were reported in our Annual Statement on Research Integrity in 2023 (see Appendix 1). As the CEDARS was not run in 2024, we provide update on the actions identified as areas for further work based on data from 2023 (also in Appendix 1). In 2024, QMU participated in the pilot of the Research Culture Landscape Survey (RCLS) run by Vitae with the aim to gather more in-depth data specifically focused on research culture and integrity, in preparation for the People, Culture and Environment pilot for REF 2029. Following an independent report by Vitae, we are in the process of considering QMU specific findings, which will be used to inform development of our institutional Research Culture KPI and strategic planning. Insights from the RCLS into QMU research integrity show that, largely, respondents feel that QMU fosters high ethical standards and transparency about all aspects of research process (85% and 84% respectively). However, data also shows that 10% respondents felt pressured into compromising research standards of integrity, a figure which remains unchanged when compared with our CEDARS results from 2021 and 2023. Additionally, although 9% of RCLS respondents indicated that they witnessed incidents of research misconduct, only 4% of those reported such cases, with none reported formally (see section 3B). We are currently considering these findings through our RCG and RSC, to develop a better contextual understanding and to identify strategies for both preventing incidents of research misconduct and raising awareness of routes to formally report such cases and to seek support / guidance. 2D. Case study on good practice (optional) Please describe an anonymised brief, exemplar case study that can be shared as good practice with other organisations. A wide range of case studies are valuable, including small, local implementations. Case studies may also include the impact of implementations or lessons learned.As a novel model of bridging for Contract Research Staff and to support researchers traverse academic/policy careers QMU has invested in a Research and KE Fellow opportunity. To date, two members of staff have been seconded to the role within RKEDU to champion developments around sector Concordats. This includes work on Safeguarding in Research/ Trusted Research, Research Integrity and capturing the career destinations of researchers. Following Vitae's Culture, Employment and Development in Academic Research Survey (CEDARS) 2023, the Research and KE Fellow has championed QMU's participation in the UK pilot project to better understand the CEDARS aggregate results on research culture. This is aligned to wider UK work on REF 2029 People, Culture and Environment (PCE) to explore what responsible indicators of positive research cultures could look like and reflect on how the CEDARS question-set might evolve in the future. In line with sector guidance on the Responsible Use of Metrics in Research and emerging REF 2029 indicators, we are launching a new QMU KPI and methodology for Research and KE Culture linked to wider institutional strategic planning overseen by University Court. This builds on and aligns with our ongoing commitment to values-driven evaluation to better define a meaningful single QMU KPI of Research and KE Culture, based on a basket of CEDARS metrics, allowing us to benchmark QMU performance against UK data.  Section 3: Addressing research misconduct 3A. Statement on processes that the organisation has in place for dealing with allegations of misconduct Please provide: a brief summary of relevant organisation policies/ processes (e.g. research misconduct procedure, whistle-blowing policy, bullying/harassment policy; appointment of a third party to act as confidential liaison for persons wishing to raise concerns) and brief information on the periodic review of research misconduct processes (e.g. date of last review; any major changes during the period under review; date when processes will next be reviewed). information on how the organisation creates and embeds a research environment in which all staff, researchers and students feel comfortable to report instances of misconduct (e.g. code of practice for research, whistleblowing, research misconduct procedure, informal liaison process, website signposting for reporting systems, training, mentoring, reflection and evaluation of policies, practices and procedures). anonymised key lessons learned from any investigations into allegations of misconduct which either identified opportunities for improvements in the organisations investigation procedure and/or related policies / processes/ culture or which showed that they were working well.We continue to promote the UKRIO Confidential Advice Service on the conduct of academic, scientific and medical research, from promoting good practice to addressing poor practice and misconduct. This is open to all, including members of the public, research participants, patients, individual researchers, research students and research organisations. The QMU Whistleblowing Policy allows researchers to raise concerns or to disclose information which they believe shows wrongdoing by the university or its staff that is of public interest. In 2024, we introduced a dedicated HYPERLINK "mailto:researchintegrity@qmu.ac.uk"researchintegrity@qmu.ac.uk email address, managed by the RKEDU, to provide a dedicated point of contact to all staff, students and external partners, including members of the public, relative to issues related to research integrity, including safeguarding and misconduct. The contact can be used to report cases of alleged misconduct or/and to obtain advice and guidance in matters relating to research integrity. An ongoing programme of training on safeguarding and research integrity is a core part of our QMU Researcher Development Programme. This includes skills to identify and address research misconduct. Awareness and anonymous feedback are monitored via QMU CEDARS. We are working to ensure that CEDARS-informed KPIs are fully integrated into institutional and Research and KE Strategic Planning. In relation to research integrity, QMU CEDARS 2023 results were broadly in line with the national aggregate, with around 90% of respondents saying that they had not personally felt pressured into compromising their standards. This was replicated through QMU 2024 pilot Research Culture Landscape Survey results. In 2024-25, we will work to incorporate research integrity requirements outlined in the UKRIO Code of Practice for Research, Procedure for the Investigation of Misconduct in Research and the Research Misconduct Process, into our internal guidelines and procedures for the investigation of allegations of misconduct in research. To facilitate this, the RCG formed a sub-group responsible for aligning QMU internal policies with these requirements and developing research-specific guidelines for identifying and addressing any instances of research misconduct. This work will be completed to ensure that QMU and our researchers are fulfilling the requirements of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity, the European Code of Conduct for Research Integrity, the Singapore Statement on Research Integrity, and of regulatory, funding and other bodies, and that important issues are not overlooked. 3B. Information on investigations of research misconduct that have been undertaken Please complete the table on the number of formal investigations completed during the period under review (including investigations which completed during this period but started in a previous academic year). Information from ongoing investigations should not be submitted. An organisations procedure may include an initial, preliminary, or screening stage to determine whether a formal investigation needs to be completed. These allegations should be included in the first column but only those that proceeded past this stage, to formal investigations, should be included in the second column.Type of allegationNumber of allegations Number of allegations reported to the organisation Number of formal investigationsNumber upheld in part after formal investigationNumber upheld in full after formal investigationFabrication0000Falsification0000Plagiarism0000Failure to meet legal, ethical and professional obligations 0000Misrepresentation (eg data; involvement; interests; qualification; and/or publication history) 0000Improper dealing with allegations of misconduct 0000Multiple areas of concern (when received in a single allegation) 0000Other* 0000Total:0000*If you listed any allegations under the Other category, please give a brief, high-level summary of their type here. Do not give any identifying or confidential information when responding.[Please insert response if applicable] Appendix 1. QMU CEDARS 2023 Research integrity data CEDARS statementQMU CEDARS 2021UK Aggregate Data 2021QMU CEDARS 2023UK Aggregate Data 2023QMU Actions in response to CEDARS 2023Progress update: October 2024I have knowledge / some understanding of the Concordat to Support Research Integrity79.5%52.1%74.6%55.9%Standing item on key institutional committees. Consideration of Research Integrity KPI as part of strategic planning. Roll out the new Research Integrity Self-Assessment Toolkit in 2022/23 Enhanced staff training.Concordat to Support Research Integrity continues to be promoted through key institutional committees. Work is ongoing to incorporate indicators of Research Integrity and Culture as part of QMU KPI and strategic planning. RI Self-assessment Toolkit implementation is ongoing. Training opportunities promoted through QMU Researcher Development Programme.I am familiar with my institution's mechanisms to report incidents of research misconduct51.2%57.7%55.2%55.2%Enhanced promotion of the Concordat and reporting mechanisms. Increased visibility on web, intranet and in staff communications. Roll out the Research Integrity Self-Assessment Toolkit in 2022/23. Enhanced staff training.Promotion through Strategic Research and KE Centres annual review and institutional Research Assurance and Accountability (RAA) return to the Scottish Funding Council (SFC). Ongoing review of QMU Research and KE website and internal SharePoints. RI Self-assessment Toolkit implementation is ongoing. Training opportunities promoted through QMU Researcher Development Programme.I would feel comfortable reporting any incidents of research misconduct58.9%66.4%73%66.4%Development of integrity as a core component of research culture and a priority theme in new QMU Research and KE Strategy 2022-27. Explore best practice in other HEIs via SRIN. Roll out the new Research Integrity Self-Assessment Toolkit in 2023/24. Enhanced staff training. Continue to invest in internal and external mentoring.Research Integrity as a core component of research culture and priority theme in HYPERLINK "/document-migration-august-2022/paul/qmu-rke/qmu-research-and-knowledge-exchange-ke-strategy-2022-2027/"QMU Research and KE Strategy 2022-27. Ongoing engagement with partner HEIs to monitor and promote best practice. RI Self-assessment Toolkit implementation is ongoing. Training opportunities promoted through QMU Researcher Development Programme.I trust my institution to investigate any reported incidents of research misconduct fairly and take appropriate action61.7%65.4%61%63.1%Promotion of UKRIO confidential Advisory Service. QMU training events with the Chief Executive of UKRIO. Roll out the new Research Integrity Self-Assessment Toolkit in 2022/23. Long term commitment to CEDARS participation and external independent analysis of findings.Renewed institutional membership of UKRIO; ongoing promotion of UKRIO confidential Advisory Service through internal policies and guidance. RI Self-assessment Toolkit implementation is ongoing. Training opportunities promoted through QMU Researcher Development Programme. Biennial participation in CEDARS. Participation in 2024 pilot Research Culture Landscape Survey.I have personally felt pressured into compromising my research standards or integrity11%8.9%10.2%7.9%Work with UKRIO to investigate specific issues. Mandatory training for all Research Managers in 2022/23. Appointment of School Research and KE Champions/Co-ordinators. Enhanced staff training. Continue to invest in internal and external mentoring.Work undertaken to better understand and address ongoing feedback around staff experiences. Mandatory training for all Research Managers in 2023/24. Appointment of School Research and KE Leads. Training opportunities promoted through QMU Researcher Development Programme. Internal interim mentoring opportunity for research staff promoted and facilitated in 2024. External mentoring opportunities promoted.In the past 2 years I have reported any incidents of research misconduct1.3%4%3.4%4.1%Explore efficacy of reporting mechanisms and governance structures for misconduct with input from URKIO. Explore best practice in other HEIs via SRIN.Explore efficacy of reporting mechanisms and governance structures for misconduct with input from URKIO. Explore best practice in other HEIs via SRIN.I agree that QMU promotes the highest standards of research integrity and conduct65.7%75.4%69%69.3%Development of integrity as a core component of research culture and a priority theme in new QMU Research and KE Strategy 2022-27.Development of integrity as a core component of research culture and a priority theme in new QMU Research and KE Strategy 2022-27.Please note that we have included the CEDARS 2021 and UK Aggregate data for context. Any differences between 2021 and 2023 should be treated with caution due to small sample sizes in respective surveys. _______________ ____________________________________________________________   developed by the uk research integrity office with the research integrity concordat signatories group  PAGE \* MERGEFORMAT 1 01pq    A B C ] ^ z { | @ A B 񿶬xjxjh:ah:aUjh:ah:aU hJ)'h:ah h:ah:ahuO5OJQJ h:ah:a hHhuOhHhuO5\hHhuO0J h:hG}Ijh.0J+Uht\hG}I0J+jh.Uh.jh.U hG}IhG}Ih6@hQ3)1   B UkdD$$Ifl0&& t0644 lapytHdh$IfgdHgdxhgdxgdxB C ^ { vffdh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl0&& t0644 lapytH{ | vffdh$IfgdHkdp$$Ifl0&& t0644 lapytH A N vffdh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl0&& t0644 lapytH L M N O       ( ) *     ( 9 : ; C D püüüüîǣ} hHh$hHhx0J hHh$0J hHh<0J h$ h$h$hvhHhI6]hY h:ah:ah:a hHhIhHhI5\hHhI0J hHhuOjh:ah:aUh:ah:a>*B*ph.N O  vffdh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl0&& t0644 lapytH   ) ueedh$IfgdHkdv$$Ifl4.0&& t0644 lapytH) *  ueedh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl40&& t0644 lapytH   : ueedh$IfgdHkd$$Ifl4>0&& t0644 lapytH: ; Gupee $IfgdT] gdxkdP$$Ifl4*0&& t0644 lapytHpqEFGH]0156stx2<?PQᨶᛔ}rj h Uhguhl.hhB*phh hhhT] hAhT] 0J+j9hAhT] UjhAhT] Uh hT] 0J+jh Uh jh U hAhT] hhT] 5\ hHh$ hHhhTo,GH]tpEiewi^iiiiPdd$Ifgd $Ifgdd$Ifgd d$Ifgd wkd$$IflL  t 0644 lap yt1r QR~ 7=op~9CDEiȽ̴బبببhYho h;JhT] hhT] 5\ h hAhhguhAhe_hQ hzhQ 0J+ju hzUhzjhzUh hX`hj` hAhQ hAhT] h hT] 0J+jh U2)e%-MN~XYvx» h{h;J h{h hh hhT] 5\ h;Jhoh^:h)~ h;Jhvhe^hYh,88 h;Jhho h;JhT] @eYxb$%'' & Fdd$If^`gd* d$Ifgdcd$Ifgd  & F d$If^`gd  & F dd$IfgdY & F dd$Ifgd 0 1 2 P Q !!'!(!3!4!.F.G.N.O.j.t.}.~..........// /d/k/l/y//011˿˿˻hx|sh]) hch]) ho%h^:htA ho%ho% htAh$=ho% htAhtAhT] hE^h[Sh8m h{h{ h{hP hPhPh h{h* h{hT] hchc5\hc5' (*O.012246d$IfgdDd$Ifgdd$Ifgdwd$Ifgd  & Fd$If^`gd* 1111222L2P2]2_2222222222223 37333334444444 556j6~666666666666667мرحححئhHhx0J hHh<0J h$ hHh< hT] hzhLh hDhDhDhzhT] hx|shj`h[Sh^hM.h0>h* h* h* hhT] 5\ h{h])h])666678~~ h$IfgdHhgdxnkdK$$IflL t0644 lap ytH7788 99999t9u99:::K:L:M:N:O::::::::::::; ;;;";;;;{<<<<<<=%=-=5=G=P=Z=`=a=w========ꩩƩ桩ꩥꩩh!'hn`h[2 h[2h[2 hf^5hf^5jhf^5Uh0>hf^5hf^50J+jahf^5Ujhf^5Uhx|shLhf^5 hf^55\ hHh<=88 9t9N:::=?@@ww[[[wwww & Fdd$If^`gdf^5d$Ifgdwkd$$IflL  t 0644 lap yt1r =====>>>>?????%?(?)?>????????????7@@@1AAAAAA!"BBBB:ZKZZZO[P[[[[[[[[[[׻⻰hp h(2h(2 hm]hm]hm] hm]h hm]hC8 huhu hhC8 huhdin huhC8hL Xhn` hdinhC8hdinhhy hdinhdin>[\\g\\\]]]P^Q^\^^_____``"`#`-`S`Z`[`abbbbbcGcJcaccccccccccccccccѹ{{hnl9 hhhh$h?h< h)>hm] h)>h)> h)>h? 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