Academic collaboration - local support centres

Local support centres (distance learning)

12.1 Ìý It may be that the University wishes to use the services of a local support centre to facilitate distance learning arrangements. In doing so, it must be satisfied that the local support centre’s interests are compatible with those of Queen Margaret University. It must also be satisfied that the local support centre will act in the best interests of potential students.

12.2 Ìý Local Support Centre is the term used to describe an organisation that provides services to support Queen Margaret University awards delivered by distance learning. Services provided by a local support centre may include assistance with marketing / recruitment, the provision of physical facilities for guest lectures by Queen Margaret University staff, tutorial support and the provision of IT and other study aids. A Local Support Centre Agreement is required.

12.3ÌýÌýÌýÌý In exercising its responsibilities to assure the quality and standard of courses offered in distance learning mode, the University will:

  • State the respective entitlements, responsibilities and accountability of the parties relating to the distance learning programme, including, as appropriate, those of the student, any local agent, local tutor, travelling teacher and those associated with the programme in the providing institution. These will be specified in a written, binding, Memorandum of Agreement;
  • Specify the qualifications and experience required of any local administrative agent and academic tutor; formally approve and appoint any directly-employed local staff after operating a due recruitment process, and appraise staff performance regularly;
  • Plan and conduct briefing, training and staff development for those filling both administrative and academic roles associated with delivering the distance learning programme;
  • Operate a procedure for approving and reviewing every local support centre to be employed in delivering the programme;
  • Establish and operate a system of quality controls that include regular monitoring and review against defined levels of performance of processes undertaken by local agents, local tutors, travelling teachers and those conducting teaching at a distance.

12.4ÌýÌýÌýÌý Selecting a Local Support Centre

12.4.1Ìý In selecting a local support centre, the University will consider the legal status of the centre and its financial standing and reputation within the local educational community.

12.4.2Ìý Where the University considers a local support centre, it should seek:

  • Information available from local government offices and agencies;
  • Information from UK agencies based in the country;
  • Information concerning the cultural, legal, financial and political environment in which the agent operates;
  • Evidence of the centre’s experience and understanding of UK higher education.

12.5ÌýÌýÌýÌý Local Support Centre Evaluation Report

12.5.1Ìý Normally, in approving a local support centre, a party comprising a School representative, a Convener (for whom the criteria are the same as described in the Programme Development section) and an external assessor will visit the proposed support centre(s) and evaluate it against the overarching principles for selection of new partners. (See paragraph 4.3 above.)

12.5.2Ìý Documentation should be provided covering the following general information about the proposed arrangement:

  • Entry requirements
  • For articulation agreements allowing entry with advanced standing, details of the programme used for such entry.
  • Information on the services to be provided by the Local Support Centre
  • Information on resources (facilities, staff and other)
  • Information about the following policies held by the Local Support Centre: Discipline, Complaints, Equal Opportunities
  • CVs for all staff involved in teaching

It is expected that these materials will be produced jointly by staff at the Local Support Centre and staff from the host School at QMU. The documentation should be submitted no later than three weeks prior to the approval visit.

12.5.3Ìý The panel will view the facilities at the partner and meet with key staff in order to establish that the partner is able to provide a suitable learning environment and high quality of student experience. The panel will produce a report following the same procedures as for validation and review panels. This report is then reported to the Student Experience Committee which approves the partnership on behalf of Senate.

12.6ÌýÌýÌýÌý Local Support Centre Review Process

12.6.1Ìý Local Support Centre arrangements should normally be reviewed every five years. Governance and Quality Enhancement will alert the host Division of the need for the review and negotiate a date for the event.

12.6.2Ìý A Panel comprising of a School representative, a Convener (for whom the criteria are the same as described in the Programme Development section) and an external assessor will visit the proposed support centre(s) and evaluate it against criteria in the Local Support Centre evaluation form. The Panel will be approved by the University Secretary and Deputy Principal. A member of staff appointed by the University Secretary will act as Secretary to the Panel.

12.6.3Ìý The documentary requirements for the Local Support Centre approval visit are as stated below:

  • Reflection on the operation of the Local Support Centre over the period of review, including information on:
    • Student numbers and success rates
    • Feedback from students and (if possible) graduates
    • Feedback from internal and external examiners
    • Response to feedback and changes made over the course of the review period
    • Commentary on the appropriateness of organisational arrangements
    • For articulation agreements allowing entry with advanced standing, description of any changes to the programme used for such entry
    • Changes to the learning environment offered by the Local Support Centre, including changes to staffing, facilities or other resources
    • CVs for all staff involved in teaching
  • Evidence in the form of Joint Board of Studies minutes, annual monitoring reports, student evaluations and external examiner reports should be provided for the last two years.

It is expected that these materials will be produced jointly by staff at the Local Support Centre and staff from the host School at QMU. The documentation should be submitted no later than three weeks prior to the approval visit.

12.6.4Ìý A report of the review visit will be drafted within 20 working days of the visit. This will be considered by the University’s Student Experience Committee on behalf of Senate. The report will include any conditions of continuing approval and the date by which these are to be met. It will also include the date of the next review of the Local Support Centre. Typically, this will be once every five years


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